
CJones Wellness

Welcome to CJ Wellness. This website, like many things, came to fruition in a roundabout way. During Covid I was living in Arizona and wondering whether I should continue my practice or retire. After all, nothing lasts forever. I questioned if I had any more to do in my professional life. Like many, I had limited energy and spent large amounts of time in my home separated from the world. I decided that during my meditation practice I would put this question out into the Universe: How can I serve others and serve myself?

No long after I received a voicemail from a woman I had worked with years before, thanking me for our work and time together and letting me know that it made a difference in her life and that her life was good.

That was the Universe answering my question and inspiring me to move forward with my work and eventually this new website.

Throughout my personal and professional journey I have been enormously curious about the human experience. This has led me to explore many different modes of healing and understand that we are all unique and one size does not fit all. My goal is to understand your unique journey, your unique needs, and your unique goals.

This site provides an overview of the services I offer to help you on your journey to finding greater health and wellness and ultimately, finding joy and contentment.

If you are curious please ask a question. That is where the journey begins.

